Chapter 13 The Reminders

  1. Read Chapter Five and Chapter Thirteen every day until the extremely intense desire for liberation awakens.
  2. You will know the extremely intense desire for liberation has awakened when you have dropped all unnecessary activities to create the maximum amount of time for spiritual practice.
  3. If you do not do your spiritual practice every day, eventually, sooner or later, your life will become full of suffering.
  4. If you do not do your spiritual practice every day, eventually, sooner or later, one or more of the thousands of different types of sorrow and suffering will enter your life.
  5. If you do not do your spiritual practice every day, you will continue to be caught in the cycle of birth and death, birth again, death again, birth again, death again and in that cycle, eventually, all of the thousands of forms that suffering takes will enter your life.
  6. If you do not do your spiritual practice every day, you will experience death, diseases, violence and thousands of other types of suffering, lifetime after lifetime.
  7. If you do your spiritual practice every day, for the maximum amount of time you can create by dropping all unnecessary activities, eventually all forms of suffering will end and you will live in: Infinite-Eternal-Awareness-Love-Bliss.
  8. The purpose of spiritual practice is to experience Infinite-Eternal-Awareness-Love-Bliss in this lifetime, not in the afterlife or some future lifetime.
  9. All delays are tricks of the ego.
  1. All detours are tricks of the imposter self.
  2. All distractions are tricks of the false pretend self.
  3. Every thought that leads you away from spiritual practice is a trick created by the imposter.
  4. Look at your daily activities and drop all those activities that are not necessary, to create the most time you can create for spiritual practice every day.
  5. Taking a shower and eating food every day is necessary.
  6. For most people working to earn a living every day is necessary.
  7. Entertainment is not necessary.
  8. Make sure that the spiritual practice you are doing IS the most rapid means to Infinite-Eternal-Awareness-Love-Bliss.
  9. You have a choice between CHOICE A (19 - 21):
  10. Infinite-Eternal-Awareness-Love-Bliss with zero suffering.
  11. Absolutely perfect Love-Bliss for all eternity.
  12. Living in and knowing your true Self.
  13. Or CHOICE B (23 - 26):
  14. Thousands of forms of suffering, sorrow, violence, disease and death, over and over again, death-rebirth-death-rebirth.
  15. Living from and knowing an imposter self.
  16. Living from an acquired false self in the form of thought.
  17. Living from a parasite that pretends to be your self.
  18. Make CHOICE A.
  19. Every day that you do your spiritual practice, you are making CHOICE A.
  20. Every day that you do not do your spiritual practice, you are making Choice B.
  21. Read Chapter Thirteen every day.
  22. The pretend self is very tricky and tries to lead people away from spiritual practice.
  23. Reading Chapter Thirteen every day will help to combat the ego's tricks.
  24. Every day look at your activities and drop all activities that are not really necessary.
  25. Every day create as much time as possible for spiritual practice.
  26. Do your spiritual practice every day.
  27. Every day you have a CHOICE.
  28. You cannot do anything about yesterday's choices, therefore, do not worry about yesterday's choices.
  29. What you can do is: Do your spiritual practice today.
  30. Before the extremely intense desire for liberation is awakened, the false self will lead you to a practice that will promote more egotism.
  31. After the extremely intense desire for liberation is awakened, you will be lead to the spiritual practice that is the most rapid means to: Infinite-Eternal-Awareness-Love-Bliss.
  32. After the extremely intense desire for liberation is awakened, you will be able to see how the pretend self has contaminated all of the spiritual teachings of the past.
  33. Reading Chapter Five and Chapter Thirteen every day may be enough to awaken the extremely intense desire for liberation in you.
  34. Self-honesty is a great help towards the awakening of the extremely intense desire for liberation.
  35. Watch the ego when it tries to lead you away from spiritual practice into distractions, detours, diversions, delays, unnecessary activities and entertainment, but do not let the ego win that battle.
  36. Time is precious.
  37. Do not waste time in activities that lead only to that which is temporary and therefore futile.
  38. Ask of each activity: "Where can this lead?"
  39. Ask of each activity: "Can this lead to eternal bliss, or does this just lead to that which is temporary?"
  40. There are thousands of quotes from the spiritual teachings of the past that support the teachings in the book you are now reading.
  41. However, the time you spend in practice is a trillion times more beneficial than the time you spend reading.
  42. Therefore, if you are willing to practice, practice.
  43. If you are not willing to practice even after reading Chapter Five and Chapter Thirteen hundreds of times, then you could try reading some quotes or books by other authors. For recommendations on where to read the most powerful spiritual teachings, see future volumes of this book or website.
  44. Choose the Direct Experience of infinite-eternal-existence-being-life, here and now in this lifetime, by making it the first priority in your life and by centering your entire life around your spiritual practice.
  45. Choose the Direct Experience of infinite-eternal-awareness, here and now in this lifetime, by making it the first priority in your life and by centering your entire life around your spiritual practice.
  46. Choose the Direct Experience of infinite-eternal-bliss, here and now in this lifetime, by making it the first priority in your life and by centering your entire life around your spiritual practice.
  47. Choose the Direct Experience of infinite-eternal-love, here and now in this lifetime, by making it the first priority in your life and by centering your entire life around your spiritual practice.

Read Chapter Thirteen very carefully at least three times.

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Michael Langford