Writings by Richard Rose

Chasms of the Mind

A man named Porto dreamed of his father at least once a week. His father, Dr. Porto, had been dead for years, but in the dreams he conversed with his son and gave him detailed advice which the son tested and found very useful – and at times – accurate.

And Porto became an authority on dreams, and counselled many hundreds of people to practice dreaming. Porto became very famous because thousands of people found that they had no trouble dreaming. And Porto and all his followers were convinced that they had found a secret bridge across the chasm of death.

And Porto died and went to that which he thought was heaven. And he met that which he thought was his father. To test to determine if this was really his father, he asked Dr. Porto to corroborate some of the advice that Porto had received in his dreams.

And Dr. Porto replied that the only contact that he had with those he left behind were dreams, some vague, and some so real that he was convinced that he was communicating with children still on earth. But neither had any memory of the dreams which the other experienced.

In frustration Porto said to his father, "Are not all people in heaven capable of knowing that which goes on, on earth?"

And his father replied, "There are people here who believed that they lived before ... but others do not believe that this place exists."

Source: TAT Foundation, TAT Journal No. 14


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